BASET - The Britain-Australia
Society Education Trust
BASET (The Britain-Australia Society Education Trust) helps deserving young people from Britain and Australia to develop through the power of learning and the opportunity to travel.
BASET Award winners return to their home countries to inspire their contemporaries, pass on their newly acquired skills to colleagues and deepen the ties between our two nations.
The Australian High Commissioner (2018 - 2022), Professor The Honourable George Brandis QC, is our Patron. We are thrilled to have his endorsement.
'Never before has there been a better time to strengthen the links between Britain and Australia. BASET is doing just that with the opportunities it gives our young people through the power of education and travel.'
– Prof. The Hon. George Brandis QC
Sir Christopher Benson granted Honorary Order of Australia Medal
29 September 2021
Our President, Sir Christopher Benson receives the Honorary Order of Australia Medal originally awarded in February 2020 in recognition of his contribution to the bilateral relationship, including through his role at BASET, from the Australian High Commissioner George Brandis, with John May, Chair of BASET Trustees, in attendance
BASET reception for Friends, Partners and Award winners
14 September 2021
The Lord Mayor William Russell and other BASET supporters, friends partners and Award winners were welcomed by George Brandis to his Stoke Lodge residence at a reception held on 14 September. BASET announced a new Endeavour Award with Plumpton College focussed on oenology, and presented Eleanor Smith with her Endeavour Award at West Dean College. More of the reception can be seen here
New BASET Endeavour Awards granted
24 May 2021
We delighted to announce that two new BASET Endeavour Awards have been granted: Samantha Levick, from Queensland, to study for an MA in Ceramics Conservation Studies and Eleanor Smith, from Canberra, for a Graduate Diploma in Book and Manuscript Conservation at West Dean College of Arts & Conservation near Chichester (shown here).
For previous news updates, use the button below.
Pioneer Award Winner
You can see James and other Pioneer Award winners in our short film below.
As Robin Newman, principal of Haileybury Turnford told us, 'Pioneer Awards not only benefited individuals who grew in confidence and showed great personal development as a result, but we now have a reputation as a school which might offer the opportunity of an exciting trip to Australia'.
BASET Endeavour Awards enable talented young adults to acquire and transfer skills that build on the shared heritage and cultural links between Britain and Australia.
'Without the support of the grant I received, I would have had to greatly reduce the scope of my visit and the professionals and practitioners I was able to meet.'
Endeavour Award Winner
You can see Alice-Andrea and other Endeavour Award winners in our short film below.
Since 2016 five young men and three young women have been granted a Pioneer Award. These have, by their own admission, greatly enhanced their personal development and helped them find fulfilling careers or university courses on their return to Britain.
Endeavour Awards have been granted to seven artists – to study in Britain and enhance their skills in crafts ranging from sculpture to book, stone and stained glass conservation. Many have taken their newly honed skills back to Australia.
Our Helping Hands alumni programme is designed to connect aspiring applicants for our Pioneer & Endeavour Awards, with previous Award winners; to seek their guidance on the benefits of our Award programmes and the best way to apply.
What are we looking for in aspiring applicants?
We’re seeking motivated, passionate young people from Britain and Australia to develop themselves, and their craft, through the power of learning and the opportunity to travel. Helping Hands connects aspiring applications with mentors to help better understand what the Pioneer or Endeavour Awards could do for them, and how best to proceed with their applications.
Mentors, we want to hear from you too!
Helping Hands is also a way previous Award winners and the broader BASET Friends and Alumni network give back to BASET and ultimately deepen the ties between Britain and Australia. Time, commitment and passion are the only requirements for being involved. We will connect you with aspiring applicants and support you along the way.
If you are interested in being connected via Helping Hands, either as an aspiring applicant or potential mentor, please get in touch by emailing:
BASET (The Britain-Australia Education Trust) is a registered charity. It is run by a Board of Trustees with administrative support from The Britain-Australia Society. It is entirely dependent on donations to do its work.
If you are:
an organisation with a special interest in the power of education and travel
an individual who would like to donate
a training or academic institution interested in arranging programmes for Award winners including our matched funding opportunities
Or if you would like to Leave a Legacy to ensure the benefits of the connection you have enjoyed are passed on to the next generation...
Please contact our Chair, John May, on or call the office on +44 (0) 20 7630 1075
Alternatively you can make a single or a regular donation through the button below.
Our Trustees
HE the Hon George Brandis QC
Sir Christopher Benson DL OAM
Vice Presidents
The Rt Hon The Lord Hague of Richmond PC
The Rt Hon The Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke PC
Mr John May (Chair)
Ms Pauline Lyle-Smith (Deputy Chair)
Prof. Carl Bridge
Ms Sally Martin
Mr Greg Mulley
Mr Keith Newton
Ms Leisha White